SupraTix Launches the Cyber Resilience Institute: A Beacon for the Semiconductor Industry in Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges

Veröffentlicht von Tobias Goecke, SupraTix GmbH (1 Jahr, 2 Monate her aktualisiert)

In a strategic move to bolster the cybersecurity landscape, SupraTix has proudly established the Cyber Resilience Institute (CRI), marking a significant milestone in empowering businesses, especially within the semiconductor industry, with the tools and knowledge to combat the burgeoning threat of cyberattacks.

The semiconductor sector, being the backbone of all modern electronics, stands at a crossroads where the slightest vulnerability can have cascading effects on global supply chains and national security. SupraTix’s CRI emerges as a pivotal player in this scenario, offering specialized resources and training aimed at reinforcing the industry’s defenses against sophisticated cyber threats.

Key Benefits for the Semiconductor Industry:

  • Targeted Cybersecurity Training: CRI’s comprehensive cybersecurity awareness programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of semiconductor companies, addressing the intricacies of protecting highly sensitive intellectual property and intricate manufacturing processes.
  • Secure Product Development: With a focus on secure ICT product development, CRI provides critical guidance on integrating cybersecurity measures from the ground up, ensuring that semiconductor products adhere to the highest standards of digital safety and reliability.
  • Research and Development: CRI is at the forefront of cybersecurity research, offering semiconductor businesses the latest insights and strategies to stay ahead of potential cyber threats and maintain uninterrupted operations.
  • Compliance and Standards: In an era of increasing regulatory requirements, CRI assists semiconductor firms in navigating the complexities of compliance, particularly with emerging standards such as the Cyber Resilience Act of the EU.

SupraTix recognizes that the advancement of the semiconductor industry is inextricably linked to its cyber resilience. As cyber threats evolve, so too must the strategies to counter them. The founding of the Cyber Resilience Institute is more than a commitment—it’s a call to action for the entire semiconductor industry to prioritize cybersecurity and safeguard our digital future.

Join the movement towards a more secure digital world and ensure the resilience of your semiconductor operations with the Cyber Resilience Institute.

Tobias Goecke veröffentlicht für SupraTix GmbH über Cyber Resilience

Die SupraTix GmbH stellt digitale Ökosysteme bereit, die es ermöglichen Produktionsabläufe zu digitalisieren und an die Anforderungen der heutigen Arbeitswelt anzupassen. Unternehmen können dadurch neue Geschäftsfelder erschließen und Unternehmensstrukturen kosteneffizienter …

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SupraTix GmbH

Head of Smart Learning Ecosystems

Bautzner Str. 45-47, 01099 Dresden, Deutschland

+49 351 339484 00

Fax : +49 351 339483 99

Jeannette Goecke

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